A study of the methods of the map and attribute data update for the land use databases

Zhao Junsan, Li Hongbo & Zhang Wanqiang

In terms of the strategies and policies of the land administrations of China the land use changes including map and attribute data must be updated by field survey and data processing in different levels of governments frequently, so that the data and information of land use databases are coincide with the current situation of land use. In this paper we first discuss the processes and daily work of the land use management and land change survey in China. Second the methods and technologies of the update of the map and related attributes of land use are described. Then the paper provides a solution to automatically update the land use databases based on the technologies of the integration of the technologies of GIS, GPS, RS and PDA as outlined below. The land use databases are the bases of the land use change survey, and the land use thematic data can be obtained by use of remote sensing (RS) images acquired in different period. So the rough changes of land use can be detected by comparing the RS images with the vector data of land use databases. The detail and precision data collection of land use changes can be accomplished by use of GPS receiver and PDA. The update work of the land use map and attribute includes the process of polygon, arc, classification, quality, ownership, and so forth. The changes of the land use map will be transfer to and update the land use databases by using GIS software. In addition, the paper describe the design and the development of an information system which is applied to the land use change survey, map and attribute processing, database updating, land classification area statistics, spatial analyzing and so on.

Event: 11th South East Asian Survey Congress and 13th International Surveyors' Congress Innovation towards Sustainability

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Document type:A study of the methods of the map and attribute data update for the land use databases (325 kB - pdf)