Applied Photogrammetry and Gis in Large Production Environments : Challenges and Advantages

Ralf Schroth

The GIS and Photogrammetry markets all over the world are highly competitive. Process automation and work flow management is widely used and the technical solutions are mainly optimized. Parallel to the technical side an economic improvement has taken place by using the instrument of outsourcing in off-shore entities to reduce the production cost. In this paper the basic ideas of outsourcing are given together with a synopsis of third party contracting and transfer of the production of an enterprise into low cost areas. The necessary requirements for production outsourcing are explained with a focus on human resources. A case study of a large European production site demonstrates these developments.

Event: FIG Working Week 2016 : Recovery from Disaster

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Document type:Applied Photogrammetry and Gis in Large Production Environments : Challenges and Advantages (300 kB - pdf)