Blockchain Technology: The safest way for better land governance?

Juan Pablo Soliz Molina,

Everyday technology platforms are adding value for better land governance worldwide. Since Honduras announced its experimentation building a land title registry using bitcoin technology and results of it 1 to Dubai’s announcement of its intention to turn itself into the first blockchain-powered government in the world by 20202 , governments are increasingly looking for robust and secure ways to ensure their data is unbreakable, reliable, sharable and available at any time. Georgia 3 and Sweden4 are countries investing on this technology as well and the outcome will be seen sooner. More recently, on January this year, “… an international real-estate marketplace ( Propy Inc. @ Palo Alto, California, USA) announced, that they had launched a pilot project to develop a global real estate conveyance management system and global real estate data model as a blockchain. The blockchain-based solution would revolutionize global real estate purchasing and registration processes worldwide, according to the company.”5 Most land agencies worldwide are also looking to lower implementation and operational costs while providing the highest level of data integrity, security and transparency, all of which goes directly to work solving the land administration problems.

Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018

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