Correction model to rectify distorted coordinate systems

Kempe, Christina ... [et al.]

Sweden consists of some 300 municipalities, all of them more or less using their own geodetic control networks. The local systems are usually old and not strongly linked to the national co-ordinate systems. Lantmmteriet is not able to force the local authorities to adopt the national co-ordinate system also locally, why more or less every local authority has its own system. Because of the way that the systems have been developed, the local systems are often distorted. When measuring using the nearest point as reference these distortions are usually not influencing the measurements but when using GNSS as your measuring tool, these distortions are important to handle. Local authorities are today using GNSS more and more, especially our SWEPOS Network RTK service. Therefore it is more and more important to have control of the distortions of the local system. Most of the local authorities are now changing to use the national reference system also locally to make use of GNSS in their own organisation as well as harmonising their data with the existing regional and national data. A correction model based on the residuals existing after the transformation between the national reference frame SWEREF 99 and the local coordinate system improves the result for the users. A model can also be used nationally, of course.

Event: XXIII International FIG Congress : Shaping the change

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