Creating a survey data model and cadastral fabric for a future land administration system for Vietnam.

Harper, Ian

As the Vietnam government looks to manage its economic and social future, land administration systems must incorporate its unique social doctrines which vary from many other countries that have historically followed a capitalistic doctrine that was built on a foundation of land ownership being defined, whether it was for state or private entities. The implementation of a strong, efficient spatial cadastral definition and management process is critical. Vietnam requires consideration of a variety of existing spatial land representation of urban and rural land usage or tenure rights, ranging from hand drawn hard copy area maps through to accurately measured electronic property survey data models. This paper outlines how the new and unique cadastral survey technology utilised by the ESRI Survey Analyst - Cadastral Editor process builds a cadastral fabricc model of survey and all other spatial data to represent the cadastre at a level of precision related directly to the source data.

Event: 7th FIG Regional Conference Spatial Data Serving People : Land Governance and the Environment - Building the Capacity

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Document type:Creating a survey data model and cadastral fabric for a future land administration system for Vietnam. (760 kB - pdf)