Current situation and prospect of 3D cadastre in Croatia

Vucic, Nikola et al.

This paper describes method of registering real property and parts of real property (apartments, etc.) in the cadastre and land books. Approach to registering particular structures and corresponding rights is delineated based on existing legislation. For example, tunnels, bridges and other 3D cadastre relevant structures are considered. Bylaw on Utility Cadastre regulates registration of public utility lines in Croatia. The paper portrays development of the utility cadastre and depicts current maintenance and management. The utility cadastre contains data about the type, purpose, basic technical features, and location of built utility lines, and lists the names and addresses of their managers. The following topics are covered: key 3D real world situations, infrastructural and utility networks, buildings, X/Y coordinates and Z coordinates. Legislation regulating that bodies of local government must establish and manage the utility cadastre was passed already in 1999, but few of these bodies assumed this responsibility since. Future development of Croatian 3D cadastre is proposed based on current situation and demand for establishing the 3D cadastre.

Event: 2nd International Workshop on 3D Cadastres

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Document type:Current situation and prospect of 3D cadastre in Croatia (439 kB - pdf)