Developing a land registration system using a compromise between the implementation of international standards and adaptation to local circumstances : the Cambodian experience

Pieper, Gertrude

Innovations in Information Technology have greatly influenced the development of cadastral systems during the last few decades. Driven by user needs and increasing demands for accurate and up-to-date information, cadastral organizations in developed countries have modernized their registration systems making use of these new technologies. Organizations in developing countries are also increasingly looking at digital solutions for their land registration activities, but often lack the technical and financial resources to build a digital land registration system from scratch. A lot has been written about the development of a universal land registration model based on international standards that can serve as a base for the development of national registration systems. Building a system using a common model seems time and money saving, but would it be adequate in all situations? How can we use international standards while at the same time respecting the uniqueness of the local context and culture of land registration? After all Cambodian land records were destroyed by the Khmer Rouge in the seventies, Cambodia had to start its land registration activities practically from scratch. With foreign support, pilot land registration projects were setup in 1997, and a new Land Law was adopted in 2001. In 2002, the Land Management and Administration Project (LMAP) was launched with one of its expected outputs being the systematic registration of 1 million titles before the end of the project. It was considered that a digital land registration system, rather than a paper based system, would be the most efficient way to realize this output.

Event: XXX FIG Working Week and General Assembly : Strategic Integration of Surveying Services

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Document type:Developing a land registration system using a compromise between the implementation of international standards and adaptation to local circumstances : the Cambodian experience (117 kB - pdf)