Electronic Registry in Mexico

Maria Elena Garcia Flores

Mexico is immersed in a land registry modernization process, which is gaining success and detecting new needs for the modernization program that begun a few years ago. The land registry modernization program in the country began as an in institutional matter in 2003, with the intention of providing legal certainty and security to de real estate market in MMxico. During the first years the efforts were disjointed and every federal entity gave priority to the subject they considered more important. The Federal Government realized that these efforts had not been sufficient resolving the institutionns problem and that it was necessary to guarantee that all actions that would be taken had to be articulated and directed to the same objective. With that in mind, the Federal Government begins the effort to create a land registry national model that would allow all that modernization actions to be aligned and that every federal entityys progress could be shared and measured. For this, different federal institutions got involved, CONAFOVI, SHF, National Mexican Notary Association and the Mexican Institute of Registration Law, who by common consent created a land registry integral model. Parting from this, all projects that are financed by the Federation must be aligned to the model, guaranteeing with this that all efforts are directed to the same objective.

Event: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2015

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Document type:Electronic Registry in Mexico (21 kB - pdf)