fig congress 2018 - How To be created a new terminology for 3- and 4- dimensional cadastre in Turkey

Hicret Gursoy Surmeneli, Zeynel A. Polat, Mehmet Alkan

The importance and necessity of 3 and 4 Dimensional cadastre in international platforms is conducted within the FIG and are highlighted in the cadastre vision of 2014 and 2034. 3D cadastre work is done at a basic level ın some countries, such as Brazil, Croatia and Australia. Some projects such as TAKBIS and MEGSIS support three-dimensional cadastral transition ın Turkey. However, there are some factors that can cause difficulties in the implementation of 3-4 dimensional cadastre in both our country and abroad. These factors indicate differences according to the legal basis of each country and the level of development. We can examine the problems experienced in the implementation of 3D cadastre under legal, technical and institutional headings. Problems that are experienced from the legal point of view within the scope of our study will be examined. The definition of cadastre in our country is defined in different laws such as Civil Law and Cadastre Law. However, there are differences between these definitions. In addition, there is no clear concept of 3D cadaster in these Law. But the legal definition of the cadastre supports the three-dimensional cadastre because it is intended to reflect the current situation of the land. There is also no explanatory definition of the scope and content of the 3D cadastre in the law. The current cadastre system in our country is two-dimensional and has about 35 legal sub-systems. The diversity of legal bases including the concept of cadastre, sometimes leads to complexity in practice. There are also problems in the terminology concerning the cadastral system in these laws. The same concept is expressed by various clauses in different laws. Making particular envisaged to determine the scope of the 3-4 dimensional surveying activities can be a problem in the terminology used. Within the scope of our study the 3 and 4-dimensional concepts related to cadastral surveys used in the literature in the world and Turkey is determined based on qualitative research techniques. After, the existence of these concepts in legal legislation related to the cadastre used in our country has been researched according to the common concepts method. As a result, it is aimed to determine whether it is enough for a terminology framework that can be used in 3 and 4 dimensional cadastral applications by examining existing laws.

Event: FIG Congress 2018: Embracing our smart world where the continents connect - Enhancing geospatial maturity of societies

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Document type:fig congress 2018 - How To be created a new terminology for 3- and 4- dimensional cadastre in Turkey (337 kB - pdf)