FNDF semi arid rural environmental registry public call: Experiences, results and perspectives
Lara Souto, Cristina Galvao Alves, Janaina de Almeida Rocha
National Fund for Forest Development (FNDF) Semi-Arid Rural Environmental Registry public call was launched with the aim of making 56 thousand registrations in the Rural Environmental Registry in the Brazilian semi-arid region, aiming to increase the regularization of small rural properties in this region. The result was the hiring of five private non-profit institutions that developed projects for the realization of rural property inscriptions of family agriculture and traditional peoples and communities. This public call made possible the innovation in methods and technologies for the realization of the registration in the CAR very successful. In view of the positive results obtained in the field and with the information on the basis of SiCAR, the Brazilian Forest Service decided to develop the second phase with the objective of promoting the recomposition of the vegetation cover in the areas of the first public call.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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