High spatial resolution satellite imagery for pid improvement in kenya

Ondulo, J.D. and W. Kalande

Preliminary index diagrams (PIDs) are land parcel index maps traced from unrectified aerial photographs. They were put to use in many developing countries including Kenya as a temporary measure to speed up land registration pending preparation of more accurate documents. However, half a century later, they are still actively in use. Though the PIDs have satisfied the immediate need in the provision of title to land, there is a growing concern from users about the boundary information obtainable from these maps for purposes of land administration, for instance land valuation and planning. The accuracy in acreage of land registered under Registered Land Act in Kenya is guaranteed only to within an error of 20%. Currently, high-resolution satellite imagery amongst other geo-information technologies is proving useful for cadastral surveys. This paper looks at the possibility of integrating this technology into cadastral surveying in Kenya.

Event: XXIII International FIG Congress : Shaping the change

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Document type:High spatial resolution satellite imagery for pid improvement in kenya (40 kB - pdf)