Homogeneous coordinate frames vs. existing inhomogeneous data

Navratil. Gerhard et al.

Nowadays, the vast majority of data are captured with Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) or remote sensing. Both methods use homogeneous reference frames, i.e., there are no local distortions in the geometry of the reference frame implementation. This is different from data collected previously. Traditional data capture for mapping (including cadastral mapping) is based on terrestrial reference frames based on local observations. Although these observations were linked to each other in networks and contradictions eliminated with suitable mathematical methods, local deviations were inevitable. As a result these data are based on inhomogeneous reference frames. Combining data in a homogeneous reference frame with data in an inhomogeneous one shows the deviations between the reference frames. These deviations need to be eliminated in order to provide a consistent reference frame. In this paper we first show the historic reasons for the inhomogeneities using the Austrian case as an example. Then we present some approaches to deal with the deviations.

Event: International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructure 2010

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