Looking from the Lens of Gender Mainstreaming: the Inclusiveness of Women in Surveying and Geoinformation Technology (GIT) in Nepal

Reshma SHRESTHA, Bhuwan RANJIT, Rehana SHRESTHA, Nepal and Liza GROENENDIJK, the Netherlands

At a global level, ‘gender mainstreaming’ that seeks for gender equality, has always been a buzz concept in many disciplines including the Surveying and Geoinformatics profession. At the National level, Nepal is a signatory of various international treaties and covenants related to gender equality with a major focus on women’s rights like access to education, access to land, etc. National Women Commission is the official body to monitor the effective implementation of these treaties and covenants in Nepal. The national policy has addressed various approaches to women empowerment and bringing women into mainstream development. However, it is important to see how this policy has been practiced in ground reality. Therefore, this paper seeks to explore the gender-inclusive approach adopted in the capacity building and professional development in the surveying and Geoinformation technology. The survey was conducted among the students of the batch 2016 and 2017 undergraduate program in geomatics at Kathmandu University (KU). The gender differences perception and cultural belief about gender has been adopted in the framework in order to analyze the inclusiveness interventions and their effectiveness. The importance of role model is highlighted as one of the key factors to drive females towards this discipline and recommended strengthening the gender-sensitive policy towards developing women role models.

Event: FIG Working Week 2020 – CANCELLED – Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management

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Document type:Looking from the Lens of Gender Mainstreaming: the Inclusiveness of Women in Surveying and Geoinformation Technology (GIT) in Nepal (367 kB - pdf)