Overlapping Characterization of Spatial Parcels in Brazil: Case in Florianopolis

Adolfo Lino de Araujo & Francisco Henrique de Oliveira

This article aims to characterize a property right overlap situation and evaluate different possibilities and proposals for a 3D Cadastre in Brazil using laser scanning data. The complexity and the high density of urban areas, in Brazil and all over the world, have contributed to the increasingly verticalized occupation of the land surface. As new buildings under or on the surface appear, the structures of the cadastral systems must accompany them. These changes occur in a three dimensional continuous space that cannot be adequately represented in two dimensions. In developed countries and many developing countries the cadastral systems have migrated to incorporate the third dimension, developing data models based on their current records and techniques available, in order to ensure that intricate cases overlay of property rights can be addressed. Different models have been proposed around the world, since the maintenance of traditional land records with increase warning in property titles about the use of airspace or subsoil, through hybrid models for the sub-parcels above and below of the earth surface, to the complete volumetric spatial parcel models. The proposition of such models is powered by an actual technical and technological reality in which it became possible to collect, process and represent three-dimensional data on a large scale, needing then to update the legal and evaluation components. In Brazil, although there is no a parcel-based registration structure in international terms, the same problems are present and there is the possibility of considering the application of a third dimension in the context of national legislation.

Event: 5th International FIG Workshop on 3D Cadastres

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Document type:Overlapping Characterization of Spatial Parcels in Brazil: Case in Florianopolis (425 kB - pdf)