Requirements for a LADM Country Profile for Ghana

Derick Boateng Okyere, Jaap Zevenbergen, Chrit Lemmen

Requirements for a LADM Country Profile for Ghana
Access to land sits at the crust of all contemporary political goals like climate action, gender equity and
poverty eradication. Land administration when well organized ensures the security of people’s rights to
access land. Since it ensures certainty in people to land relationship.
This paper looks at the land administration system of Ghana which is not succeeding partly due to data
redundancies and discrepancies as well as the analogue nature of the system. The new land law that supports
eConveyancing together with recent projects to digitized land administration in Ghana has urged the need for
nationwide land administration infrastructure. The basic form of a digital (distributed) database is a
conceptual data model. The land administration domain model (LADM) is a conceptual data model certified
by the international organization for standardization.
The land administration system in Ghana requires a conceptual data model that can integrate, standardize,
and interoperate land tenure data from the title, deeds, customary and informal land registration systems
while ensuring high data quality. The LADM provides the functionality to support the design of such a
conceptual model. This paper provides requirements analysis needed to adapt LADM to Ghana’s context.
This qualitative study used semi-structured interviews and document analysis to draw data requirements
from nine regions in Ghana with diverse customary land tenure reflected in their respective customary land
registration systems. The results were data requirements from Ghana on parties, documents, registers, rights,
restrictions, responsibilities, spatial unit, surveying, and representation (core LADM packages) elicited,
analysed, and presented. The ongoing deeds to title conversion process in Ghana is included in the analyses.
Solutions to expedite based on lessons from a similar process in Ontario, Canada were analysed, and data requirements were elicited.
The paper concludes that these requirements can be used for development of an LADM country profile for

Event: FIG e-Working Week 2021

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Document type:Requirements for a LADM Country Profile for Ghana (333 kB - pdf)