Revisiting the concept of boundary on 3D cadastre in Indonesia

Hendriatiningsih, S. et al.

The scarcity of vacant land in mega cities in Indonesia has led to the intensification of the use of the space. Such development has raised issues regarding the provision of legal assurance on the utilisation of space. In order to legally ensure the employment of particularly apartment unit, the Government of Indonesia (GoI) enacted Act no. 16 year 1985 regarding Apartment Unit, which was followed by the promulgation of the Governmental Decree no. 4 year 1988 as the derivative regulation of the formerly mentioned regulation. The Governmental Decree no. 4 year 1988 regulates the technical details on the implementation of the Apartment Unit Act. Of the issues arose due to the latest space employment is the boundary of 3D object. Principally, the boundary definitions stated in the above mentioned regulations provide the easiness to identify the boundary physically. However, the representation of 3D object within the cadastral system would be problematic. As at the moment the 2D land registration with 3D tag is still employed within the registration of the apartment unit, it would even be more problematic to acquire the accurate representation of 3D object, as well as its link to the common properties.

Event: FIG Working Week 2012 : Territory, environment, and cultural heritage

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