Serbian NSDI digital platform: Collect. Connect. Create. — Our words for the future
Darko Vucetic, Borko Draskovic, Nemanja Paunic, Miroslav Hrcan
This paper presents the new digital platform of Serbian SDI in order to improve land governance and achieve the Global Agenda, to support government and municipal authorities form Serbia and the region. Presents the new way to make better use of the infrastructure data and services with good practice use cases from Serbia for the use of geospatial data and services through one, public web application for all citizens. New platform connects data from the government, regional and local municipalities, academia, researches and private sector creating added value service for government, market and society. With crowdsourcing functionality, platform ensures participation of the society and citizens creating governments that are more transparent and better service delivery at all levels as well as enabling citizens to actively participate in the democratic process.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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