Some alternative solutions for open source SDI

Deleurme, Arnaud

The INSPIRE directive sets up a new diffusion model of geographical information. This aims at setting up Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI) in each country of the European Union and using new technologies applications and new architectures of the Internet domain. Usually, Geographical Information was used on desktop and software, but nowadays more and more Open source tools are available. Public institutions often resort to free tools for their applications thanks to new users and developers communities. The Internet and new behaviors of European citizens explain these new trends. Geographical information storage becomes more complex with the increasing of Internet applications. Thatts the reason why today we can observe a variety of openn technologies, tools and online applications that users can adapt according to their needs. New licenses using this kind of applications are developed for the personal use of Internet users. In that sense, we notice new tools and applications for management of geographical data. Users networks and developers communities are growing up. Hence its significant impact on Geospatial Monitoring and new technical solutions for setting up Spatial Data Infrastructures. They show the dynamic nature of the Web : interactive applications which are changing for the Geospatial web (geoweb) services are installed on servers.

Event: International Conference on Spatial Data Infrastructure 2010

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Document type:Some alternative solutions for open source SDI (162 kB - pdf)