The effect of law on cadastre and address system for a sustainable land governance in Kosovo

Meha, Murat & Muzafer Caka

There is a growing need all over the world for land information as a basis for planning, development and control of land resources (Larsson, 2000). Security of ownership is a prerequisite for a functioning land market. Real property rights must be registered and the ownership information should be easily accessible. The authorities should guarantee the content and transparency of the register. This register forms a strong basement for the developments in Republic of Kosovo. The functioning of the cadastral system in the Republic of Kosovo is based on a series of laws and regulations. From 15 June 2008 when the Constitution of Republic of Kosovo entered into force (Constitution of Republic of Kosovo 2008), the right to own the property is guaranteed, and the use of property is regulated or will be regulated by the law in accordance with the public interest.

Event: Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2013

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Document type:The effect of law on cadastre and address system for a sustainable land governance in Kosovo (202 kB - pdf)