The Hungarian SDI strategy

Mihaly, Szabolcs

Involving players of geoinformation sectors in Hungary the Spatial Data Infrastructure Strategy of the country has been elaborated in frame of the general Hungarian Information Society Strategy (MITS). The Hungarian SDI Strategy defines the main tasks as − establishing NSDI organizational framework, − revision of legal framework and data policy, − elaboration of the national standards and data specifications, − managing of interoperable spatial reference databases and their actualization, − providing the metadata services and access to spatial data, − acquiring of geoinformation knowledge and using the geoinformation in education, − active participation is European and international collaboration. Governmental acceptance is in progress, recently. The comprehensive Spatial Data Infrastructure Program and a particular Electronic Unified Land Registry Program have been elaborated and submitted to the Governmental Development Agency for realization.

Event: XXX FIG Working Week and General Assembly : Strategic Integration of Surveying Services

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Document type:The Hungarian SDI strategy (116 kB - pdf)