The role of the EU in land grabbing in Africa : CSO monitoring 2009-2010 : Advancing African Agriculture (AAA) : the impact of Europe's policies and practices on African agriculture and food security

Graham, Alison et al.

This report examines the role of European Union (EU) member States, both collectively and individually, in the current reported wave of foreign land investment in Africa that has led to the current use of the term land grabbingg. It discusses whether this role is consistent with the EUUs commitment to advance agriculture in Africa in order to help achieve the Millennium Development Goals and member statess obligations under international human rights law.

Event: International Conference on Global Land Grabbing

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Document type:The role of the EU in land grabbing in Africa : CSO monitoring 2009-2010 : Advancing African Agriculture (AAA) : the impact of Europe's policies and practices on African agriculture and food security (342 kB - pdf)