The State Land Office and its Functions in the Rural Areas of the Czech Republic

Arnost Muller, Frantisek Pavlik et al.

The State Land Office of the Czech Republic was established on January 1st 2013 as an organizational unit of the Ministry of Agriculture by the Act no. 503/2012 Coll., about the State Land Office. The office fulfills three main agendas: restitution of agricultural and church property, state property management, and land consolidation. Land consolidation in the Czech Republic is perceived as a multidimensional instrument for landscape planning, supporting sustainable development of rural areas. Land consolidation spatially and functionally arranges the land in public interest; consolidates or splits plots (parcels) while ensuring their accessibility; and provides conditions for improving the environment, land resources protection, water-management and improving the ecological stability of the landscape. Drought has recently been introduced (alongside soil erosion and soil degradation) as the key topic which needs to be addressed by the State Land Office policies. New mitigating strategies will improve drought resilience by supporting irrigation and soil drainage infrastructure. Alongside these processes the emphasis is placed on the sustainable agriculture which significantly helps developing rural areas. Land consolidation is perceived as a key tool for increasing drought resilience of the landscape through improved land management projects that include soft (soil management) and hard (infrastructure) measures.

Event: Symposium on Land Consolidation and Readjustment for Sustainable Development

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Document type:The State Land Office and its Functions in the Rural Areas of the Czech Republic (530 kB - pdf)