Three dimensional modeling of pipe using close range photogrammetry

Rizka Akmalia, Deni Suwardhi, and Wiratmaja Puja

Pipe is an important object in the oil and gas industry. Maintenance and modification of pipe need to be done so effective that not to cause big losses. Before doing the modification, usually the pipe will be measured in the field using tape to identify the pipe. In the digital era, the identification would be easier done through three-dimensional model of the pipe, eliminating the need for measurement to the field. One of the methods to create threedimensional model is by close range photogrammetry. This method can provide an accurate model and with the tools and simple data processing. In this paper, describe the construction phase of three-dimensional modeling of piping using close range photogrammetry method. A case study conducted for the gas station in Tegal Gede, Bekasi.

Event: 11th South East Asian Survey Congress and 13th International Surveyors' Congress Innovation towards Sustainability

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Document type:Three dimensional modeling of pipe using close range photogrammetry (319 kB - pdf)