Towards becoming a high income nation : how we can contribute

Jasmani, Jailani Bin

Since independence in 1957, Malaysia has emerged as one of the fastest growing nation in the region. We have achieved significant and remarkable economic progress, developing from a low income to an upper middle income nation. In the 1960s, the Malaysian economy was predominantly commodity-based with a heavy reliance on rubber and tin but was later transformed by the rise of manufacturing sector as the main contributor to growth in the late 1980s. Subsequently, since 2000, the services sector became the main driver of growth. We have offered to the world a relatively cheap but sound skilled labour. We became, amongst others, the highest exporter of electronic goods, air-conditioning units and a long list of locally manufactured goods including automotive.

Event: 11th South East Asian Survey Congress and 13th International Surveyors' Congress Innovation towards Sustainability

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