Valuation of Unregistered Lands in Developing Countries: Challenges, Applications and Potential Impacts for Responsible Land Governance
Michael McDermott, Oumar Sylla et all
Global Property Advisory, Land and GLTN/UN-HABITAT, Private Consultant, South Pacific Property advisors
Valuation of unregistered land in developing countries is in the critical path of achieving many important global, regional and national development goals such as: addressing climate change, sustainable urban development, food security, promoting responsible investments, addressing the conflict often associated with large-scale land investments, and common human rights abuses associated with land all which if not checked affect the poor and women most. These may be immediate and urgent needs. The affected parties require accurate market valuations for many different reasons; neither they nor valuers can afford to wait until their markets are formalized. Rather, valuers (including those working with government authorities) should be at the coal face of seeking, understanding and developing land markets, rather than sitting back and waiting to be served by other property professionals.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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