Value Chain Development and Land Tenure Regularization in Mozambique. The Case of PROSUL Project: Linking Market to Land Tenure Secured Communities and Smallholder Farmers
Daniel Mate, Daniel Simango et al
The Pro-poor Value Chain Development Project in Maputo and Limpopo Corridors
(PROSUL) is a GoM Project designed and co-financed by the International Fund for
Agricultural Development (IFAD). Its works contributes to the implementation of the
Government of Mozambique’s Strategic Plan for the Agriculture Sector Development
(PEDSA), with the end objective of contributing to the alleviation of poverty in Mozambique. In order to achieve the above PROSUL is currently assisting smallholder farmers in securing their land tenure rights. More specifically farmers targeted in the three value chains: Cassava, Horticulture and Red Meat. Under horticulture value chain,
the Project supported mapping and cadastre formation in 3 irrigation scheme contributing to better management of irrigations schemes by improving the mechanisms
for collecting water and land use fees. Granting individual DUATs combined with facilitation of improved technologies, farmer group organizations strengthening and civic
education is contributing to increasing productivity and overall value development.
Although community delimitations are an important tool in terms of land certification, they need to be well integrated in the context of CBNRMPs approach.
The Project’s work and results are effectively contributing to the larger agenda of the
Terra Segura program launched by the Government of Mozambique, and also
showcases the importance of linking tenure security to specific realms of production.
Event: Land Governance in an Interconnected World_Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty_2018
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