Winds of societal change : the public spatial information sector in Europe

Muggenhuber, Gerhard

Governments around the world are the largest producers of spatial information. Public sector spatial information is an asset, which could and should be a fundamental building block of the information society. The increasing economic pressure within the public sector results in improving the service with reduced staff based on organizational reforms and new technology applied. Finally however the key factors for success are based on shifting the mindset. This public sector reforms forced communication within governmental agencies but also increased the exchange of data and communication between institutions of the public sector in general. In many countries the National Mapping and Cadastre Agencies (NMCAs) are heading these reforms by increased sharing of data, and promising initiatives on inter-institutional processes optimizing on collecting and dissemination of data. However there are still potentials for improvements based on public - private cooperation and on knowledge sharing. The European Union provides even funds for these improvements aiming at harmonized services and improved accessibility of spatial information. Relevant directives are a trigger for pushing that development. Last but not least these activities resulted in reengineering the business processes across organizations.

Event: XXIII International FIG Congress : Shaping the change

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